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Benjamin Kwan

Biblical Advice For The Childless Woman

Mother’s Day can be a painful day for the childless woman, when they see the repeated reminders of motherhood being celebrated all around them. In our midst, we have sisters who are childless who are unable to bear children despite repeatedly trying. We have sisters who have lost their unborn children to miscarriages. We have sisters who are childless as they are unmarried. We have sisters who may have children, but are separated from them for long periods of time because they are working in a foreign land. For these women and many more, I would like to provide some advice and encouragement from the Bible.


Sometimes, it can be tempting to think that childlessness is a sign that God hates the childless woman. “I’ve prayed for so long, but why am I still childless?” “Is it fair that other women can have children so easily, but I can’t?” Remember that God loved all of humanity so much that He sent Jesus to pay the blood-debt for our sins (John 3:16; Romans 5:6-8). Remember and be thankful that this gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is available to everyone, regardless of whether we have children or not (cf. Galatians 3:26-29).


Have you ever seen women that are simply unfit to be mothers? They neglect the needs of their husbands and children, they are self-absorbed and lazy, they have fallen short of the responsibility placed upon them. They did not prepare themselves for motherhood. We have a God who knows and sees all, and knows what is best for each and every one of us. Who knows whether the childless woman is being given an opportunity to improve herself to be a better version of her current self? God has given women a pattern to emulate and match up to – the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-13. For the childless woman, make good use of the time you have now to ingrain good habits that will serve you well in the future – children or no children.


When I think of childless women, I am reminded of two examples from the Bible – one each from the Old and New Testaments. I think of Hannah, who prayed and vowed a vow unto God (1 Samuel). I also think of Elisabeth, who was righteous before God and blameless in keeping His commandments (Luke 1:5-6). Although they both had children later, the point that I want to emphasize is that they were both holy and righteous before they had children. They were a good example for other women to emulate. In fact, all women (childless or not) ought to ensure they are good examples to other women, to teach them to be holy, to teach them to do good, to teach them to be sober and chaste (Titus 2:3-5).

On this Mother’s Day, I empathize with the plight and distress that a childless woman may have. I understand that you may desire ever so strongly to have a child. Remember that God loves you, child or no child. Remember to become the best woman you can be. Remember to be a good example to other women. God bless each and everyone of you, especially the women in our midst.


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