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Growing Closer: Gerard Vargese

Farand Lim

We rejoice with Brother Gerard as he welcomes his second daughter, Yarona Halleli Vargese, to his family on the 30th October. This chat with Bro Gerard was conducted prior to the delivery. Let us get to know Gerard, who was baptized since 30th May, a bit more, and support him in these exciting times.


Hi Gerard, could you maybe start by introducing yourself to those who might not know you?


I'm Gerard, residing in Hougang. My wife and I have a two-year-old daughter and am expecting another daughter at the end of October. I am working at Sengkang General Hospital as a back-end staff on a 7-day shift roster.


End October is anytime now! How are you and your family preparing for it? How‘s your 2yo daughter handling it?


We are mentally preparing for our 2nd child & happy that our daughter will have a playing companion in time to come. She is aware that she will have a baby sister, just have to see her reaction when she set eyes on the newborn.


Shift rostering sounds tough, is that in terms of just days of the week or also night shifts etc?


The roster covers the whole week, that is, I have to work on the weekends when on duty. Thankfully, we only have morning & noon shifts. 


I assume family and work keeps you almost fully occupied. Any hobbies or interests you pursue in whatever free time you get?


Yes, family & work does occupy a great deal of time especially in the next upcoming months. My free time is spent on hobbies such as jogging, soccer, reading books on history, learning cooking recipes.


Could you share with us a bit of your background on the spiritual/religious end?


I joined LAPCOC, just this year. I have been a Roman Catholic since birth until I reached mid-twenties when I stopped going to church. During my early childhood, I was deeply involved in Catholicism and was an Altar Server for several years (assisting the priest during mass). Even at this young age I had conflicting views on the teachings, but did not realise the shocking errors until I started bible studies at the age of 15... Fast forward to the present, with God guiding me, I met up with bro Ernest to deepen the truth, that the Bible, the Word of God, is the only true authority. I had a few lessons & was later baptized within 2 months with bro Ben as a witness. Now, my eternal life is in the hands of my Heavenly Father, through my Saviour & Hero Jesus Christ. There is only one hero in this story & His name is Jesus, and He is the only door that leads to the Father 🙏🏻


How did you chance upon LAPCOC? It’s inspiring that you not just wanted to search for the truth but had the courage to step out of what I imagine formed your comfort zone and identity growing up?


I had a tract placed at my doorstep around 2 years back, I kept it during my journey of “truth finding.” But once everything was revealed, I had the extreme urge of searching for a Bible believing church. And I found the tract at the table looking at me... So I contacted LAPCOC & bro Ernest received me warmly. We had a discussion and I followed the teachings & was baptized.

The courage wasn't from me. The only goal in mind, was to find the truth. I prayed & asked and God heard & revealed it. It was from Him that gave me the courage to break free from the deception. Seek & you will find. God makes it very clear & simple in Scripture.


Thanks bro Gerard, won’t take too much of your time as am sure you are busy. Praying for a smooth delivery for both mother and daughter. Any final thoughts?

Gerard: Just to add I am very pleased with the warm fellowship in LAPCOC. I had received a great deal of biblical knowledge & support even in this short period of time. And I would like to thank everyone for their love & kindness shown towards me in this community.


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