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Growing Closer: Lois Ng

Michelle Chan

This month, we chat with sis Lois who have been in the church for almost 2 decades now. I have had the privilege of watching sis Lois in action in the nursery class where she puts her interest to work. I have also learnt that we can also see the ‘product’ of her interest on certain Sundays as well. What is this interest (or should I say, interests)? Read on to find out more.


Tell me about yourself.


My name is Lois, a mother to 3 children. I have been working as a manager in the financial industry for the past 20 years and, if the Lord is willing, I’m in the midst of planning to retire in a few years’ time. 

My family & I came to LAPCOC in 2006. We were searching for the truth after witnessing the church which we attended for a long time turn liberal. I remembered I was 7 months pregnant with my 3rd child Anna then, and my husband, Henry, and I were both baptized a month later.


What is one interesting fact about yourself?


I have always struggled with this question as I don’t think I’m a very interesting person. Haha... as I have a lot of flexibility at work, I am the not-so-busy aunty who likes to be busy - to work, to cook, to sew, to chit chat, to travel, to be busy with crafts and everything hands on. 

I attended sewing classes recently and started sewing clothes.


Haha it's interesting... A fair number of people don't find themselves interesting, myself included, but it turns out that what we don't consider interesting to us is actually interesting to others 😀

Could you tell us more about one of your proudest creations to date?


It must be the Pleated Skirt which I wore to Church recently. It does feel a little weird wearing what I made at first, unsure whether the threads would hold or if zipper give way etc… My goal now is to make a closet of Happy Sunday’s wardrobe and put what I have learned to good use 


I would be very interested to see this pleated skirt!! Tap me on the shoulder when you next wear it and looking forward to seeing a whole plethora of Happy Sunday clothes

Thanks for sharing with us how you and your family came to LAP! What were some of your observations which indicated to you that the church you had attended for a long time had turned liberal?


A departure from the truth is often a subtle and gradual process. That makes it dangerous because one may become immune and accepting during the course of time. Eg: musical instruments. From no musical instrument to the introduction of ladies singers to soft piano and guitar to eventually a band with drummers.

We must be careful & honest to examine ourselves with God’s Word regularly. I appreciate 1 Timothy 4:16 where Paul urges Timothy to watch his life & doctrine closely. Henry & I were determined to search for a church which practices sound doctrine and we believe God will provide the way. 

We were thankful to Bro Kwan who took the time to expound the Word of God to us, correcting our errors and guiding us back to God’s Word. It’s like what Jesus said in Matthew 13:44 about the Kingdom of Heaven, happy is the man who has found a treasure in a field.


Thank you for sharing your story with us that we can all learn the importance of examining ourselves against God's Word honestly and frequently, and take the necessary action to be right with God.


Understand that you are fairly active in the church with your involvement in teaching the children Bible classes. What are some other areas of church that you are involved in? What do you enjoy most about this work?


I am currently involved in

  • Lower Primary as 2nd IC

  • Ladies Fellowship Committee 

  • Kids Gathering Committee 

Why? As I enjoy being childlike again! Truly, I consider it a privilege to serve in the Lord’s church alongside with many selfless & serving sisters, they have shown me over the years what it means to be a servant of the Lord and it is right for me to follow these great examples. 

I also believe the best way to learn is to teach. I don’t consider myself as creative, so I do enjoy learning from various resources & coming up with creative crafts ideas while preparing the lessons.


Indeed, we learn most by doing, trying and doing more! How do you find the time (and energy) to be involved across these areas of work? Do you have any advice for someone who wants to but does not know how to start being involved in church?


1) Attitude - It may sound cringy, but I regularly said to my younger colleagues, 

‘when you love your work, work is no longer work’. And we always have time for the things we love to do, isn’t it? 

I knew I had to apply this principle in serving my Great God. Psalm 84:10 became my guiding verse: ‘For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.’

2) Pray - I pray often with regard to spiritual growth. Specifically asking God for wisdom, guidance and areas in which I can bring Him glory. God hears 

3) Be ready to say ‘Yes’ - I grew up saying more ‘No’ than ‘Yes’ ... haha. But for me to exercise my faith, I have learnt to say more ‘Yes’ whenever an opportunity arises. 

4) If there’s no opportunity to say ‘Yes’, then ask ‘Can I?’ - Drop a ‘check-in’ text, make a call or visit someone? Be the Assistant Teacher? Helping out in Homezone? Sit in a Study? Reach out to a visitor? Contribute or attend to the needs of others? 

I believe God has a place for you & me.


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