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Get to know our new convert - An Li

Michelle Chan


How has school been for you? What is something you enjoy most and something you least enjoy about school?

An Li:

School has been ok for me so far. I enjoy hanging out with my friends in school and attending my CCA. Something I least enjoy about school is probably the examinations and tests.


Yeah, studying for tests and exams can be a bit sian at times... Which CCA are you from? Do you like it?

An Li:

I'm in choir and I really enjoy it! :)


Nice! Any favourite songs?

An Li:

I have many favourite songs!


Could you share some examples?

An Li:

Currently, one of my favourite songs is 'Polaroid Love' by enhypen :))


Ooo do you like listening to songs in your free time? Or what do you like to do in your free time?

An Li:

hm I usually listen to songs when I'm doing homework. Nowadays, I don't have much free time haha..


Oh no... I heard you like to draw and I have seen your comic strip in the Children's Bulletin! What inspired you to draw the comic strip?

An Li:

There wasn't really an 'inspiration' for the comic strip actually. I just read the passage a few times and when I got the rough idea of the passage, I just drew it as I imagined it to be hahah


👍 What do you like to draw usually?

An Li:

Hm nowadays I usually like to draw animals and day-to-day objects.


Haha would you like to showcase your recent creations?

(Editor’s note: Please take a moment to pause and admire these intricately drawn figures!!)


Moving to spiritual matters, how did you get to know about God and the church?

An Li:

I've actually been going to the church ever since I was born.


Ahh your mum has been bringing you since you were young! Any passages in the Bible that left a deep impression on you?

An Li:

Hmm I would say there are a few such passages, but one that has left a great impression on me would probably be Job. I link many values/ideas back to him as I feel like he is a very good example


Nice! If you were to tell your friend about Job, what would be the 3 things you would mention?

An Li:

1. His faith in God (how he always believed in God despite the troubles he went through)

2. How he always never gave up in God despite the people around him telling him to give up on God

3. That believing in God brings good things


Nicely written! Job is indeed a great example of always believing in God even when the going gets tough and that it will all be worth it in the end. Moving on to another question, how did you decide to get baptized?

An Li:

I decided to get baptized because I knew it was the right thing to do and since I have been going to the church since young, I've heard many sermons about the consequences of not getting baptized, I knew that I had to get baptized in order to get salvation.


And do you have any advice for anyone out there who is on the fence about baptism? On the fence means they don't know whether to get baptized or they might be scared to get baptized.

An Li:

1 advice I can give is to not think too much about other things, but trust in God always and believe he will lead the way


👍👍👍 Could you share with me your best memory in the church?

An Li:

I have many good memories in the church but I think the best memories are the times we have fellowship together (June camps, home zones etc)


Oh! Which years' June camp would you say were especially memorable for you and why?

An Li:

Probably the one in 2015 where we combined with Jurong because it was special combining 2 churches to have fellowship together and meeting many new people.


👍👍 That's heartwarming to hear! And to round it off, is there anything that others may not know about you that you wish to share?

An Li:

I'm scared of the dark hahahah


Gotcha! Thank you so much for your time!! 🙏


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