Is it too soon to reminisce? Maybe it is the fact that I am drafting this on the eve of going back to the routine demands of work – but this year’s church camp seemed to have gone by in a flash. I thought to share my personal reflections on what stood out.
Lessons and Devotions: Strengthening the Spiritual Core
At the heart of the camp experience were the lessons and devotions that grounded our activities in faith and reflection. These were centered around the camp’s theme of ‘Marching as One’ as the various teachers spoke about topics that potentially divide us and ultimately what binds us as one.
While the content itself was informative and relevant, the setting of the camp uniquely allowed time and space for practical sharing through group discussions as well as thought provoking activities. These discussions and activities undoubtedly will help the key messages of each lesson to stick with us. Case in point: campers will now always remember ‘Who is the Wisest’ in the room!
1 Cor1:10 - Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
Games and Free Time: Nurturing Bonds and Unleashing Joy
As with all church camps, besides the spiritual enrichment portion, a key purpose is for members to bond together. From ice breakers testing our knowledge of one another to spirited team challenges that challenged our creativity and coordination, every activity fostered bonding and joy. Games were planned in line with the camp’s theme, requiring communication, collaboration and camaraderie. One of the final games involved the involvement of every team member in bouncing a balloon in the air continuously using paper plates and raffia string. A simple premise that led to vastly different team tactics but all with a single purpose.
Much of the bonding also came about during the free time between activities. Whether it was the short intervals between activities, the walks back to our rooms, or the long mealtimes together, the camp provided ample opportunities for spontaneous connections and meaningful conversations. A key milestone was the great attendance this year, with over a hundred campers, including brethren from Eastside COC.
Furthermore, during the longer scheduled breaks, it was also interesting to see the different ongoings. Some of these felt almost like Church Camp traditions. There were groups ordering bubble tea/Starbucks; fitness fanatics had their joint runs; gaming sessions were organized (both tabletop and of the Switch variant), and families with young ones could be found at the swimming pool. One unique standout this time out: brother Trevor brought his deck of cards and sleight of hands to enthrall both the young and old, leaving us debating how he made the 3 of Diamonds appear!
Rom 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
‘Let no man despise thy youth’
Lastly, something that stuck with me was observing the youth of the congregation stepping up in various ways. Young adults such as Titus and Cornelius had impressed with their knowledge and faith. Youthful teenagers shared their thoughts confidently and eloquently. Callum, to name but one, led hymns with infectious joy and exuberance.
Their enthusiasm was contagious, inspiring older campers and reminding us of the potential within our congregation’s next generation. It was a good push for myself to remember and build on the love I had for Christ at first (paraphrasing Revelation 2:4). It also made me thankful for the teachers and workers in our midst that put in hard work to build the foundation and strengthen the bonds within our youths.
1 Tim 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
In the end, the camp was not just a temporary escape from the ordinary, but one that allowed for much reflection and inspiration: that “Marching as One” is not easy, yet very much necessary; that encouragement and exhortation of one another comes in many forms, but assembling is a good way to start.
Heb 10:24-25 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.