For this latest Growing Closer, we get to know Brother Lucas Chow, who was baptized on 12 October 2023. Do reach out to him for further conversations on his fascinating interests and background!

Hi Brother Lucas, could you perhaps first introduce yourself briefly?
My name is Lucas, I am working in the healthcare industry, married with 2 teenage boys. I’m into sports, current affairs, and exercise whenever I can.
For current affairs, is it local or global news you are keen on? Any topics or trends that are most on your mind currently?
I’m into both local and international news but close at heart is local news (which concerns and affects me most) especially parliament debate. And also, I need to update the beneficiaries in my center about what is happening in our country because they don't read up much.
I see. Is it an elder care unit of sorts?
Step down care for mental health recovery patients
A topic that is increasingly in focus now! What do you think of the latest measures to try to normalize and support people on mental health issues?
I feel that our society is going in the right direction in terms of support and care for people with mental health challenges. Our center provides psychiatric services to people to help them reintegrate back into society, with stable jobs, accommodation etc. We work closely with IMH.
Very interesting. Perhaps going to your other hobbies - what sports do you watch and what form of exercise?
Currently I’m a swimming technical official so I need to have knowledge and stay updated about officiating for swimming competitions.
Assume this is voluntary and not your day job? How did that come about? Do you officiate at all sorts of swimming competitions? E.g. school and/or national competitions?
Yes. It's voluntary. I have officiated from local swim meets to international meets like the FINA world championship (Now known as World Aquatics), and SEA games.
Wow! Any highlights that you witnessed? You must be a really good swimmer then? Were you competitive in the past?
Haha... I can float a little bit in the water. And not necessarily competitive swimmer. I do need to identify infractions for each swim strokes so that there's fair competition among swimmers in the pool. I used to be a soccer referee but have stopped and transited to swimming due to age.
A true sports enthusiast! We could probably talk about sports and mental health at length, but maybe moving into matters of faith - how did you get to know of LAPCOC?
Via internet. I got to know Lap via the website. I noticed the teaching and belief are similar to my ex-church which I attended in the past. Also, I saw a familiar face (my ex-colleague), who shared his personal experience, so I decided to come and visit the church.
Who did you study with? How has the experience in church been so far for you?
Various brethren: Ben Kwan, Peter Chin and Jerry Cheong studied the bible with me. I’d like to thank them for their patience in sharing God’s Word with me. As for the experience, it has been more God centered and God focus in LAPCOC. I also enjoy learning the basic Christianity again via attending the Foundation class.
Thanks for your time, brother Lucas. Any last message for the article?
1 Timothy 4:16 NIV - Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
I believe I can find support in LAP, and God will provide the opportunity for me here.