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Threats To The Christian Home - Feminist Movement

Alvin Lin

Text: Tit 2:4-5

A. As a Christian.

  1. Women have instructions with regards to dressing (1Ti 2:9-10). a. “modest” [kosmios]: well arranged, seemly, modest – not overdressed. b. “shamefacedness” [aidōs]: a sense of shame or honour, modesty, bashfulness, reverence, regard for others, respect – not underdressed. c. “sobriety” [sōphrosunē]: self-control, sobriety – appropriately dressed. d. Feminists argue for the right to dress as they like. e. But the Bible teaches that women profess godliness through modest attire and good works (1Ti 2:10), which can convert unbelieving husbands (1Pe 3:1-2).

  2. Women have instructions with regards to teaching (1Ti 2:11-12). a. learn in “silence” / to be in “silence” [hēsuchia]: quietness. b. suffer not a woman to “teach” [didaskō]: to discharge the office of a teacher, conduct one’s self as a teacher. c. Feminists argue for women preachers. d. But the Bible teaches that women are not to teach over men (1Ti 2:12), but to keep silent during the preaching in worship (1Co 14:34-35).

  3. Women have instructions with regards to leading (1Ti 2:11-12). a. with all “subjection” [hupotagē]: obedience, subjection. b. nor “to usurp authority over” [authenteō]: to govern, exercise dominion over one. c. Feminists argue for women elders and deacons. d. But the Bible teaches that women are not to lead in public worship (1Ti 2:8), nor can they be elders or deacons (1Ti 3:1-2,12).

  4. Before becoming a Christian, a woman has to consider if she is willing to put Christ above everything else (Luk 14:33).

B. As a wife.

  1. Wives have responsibilities towards their husbands. a. “defraud” ye not one the other (1Co 7:5) [apostereō]: to defraud, rob, despoil. b. “submit yourselves” unto your own husbands (Eph 5:22) / “obedient” to their own husbands (Tit 2:5) / “be in subjection” to your own husbands (1Pe 3:1) [hupotassō]: to subject one’s self, obey. c. "reverence” her husband (Eph 5:33) [phobeō]: to reverence, venerate, to treat with deference or reverential obedience. d. “sober” (Tit 2:4) [sōphronizō] / “discreet” (Tit 2:5) [sōphrōn]: curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate. e. “love their husbands” (Tit 2:4) [philandros]: loving her husband. f. “chaste” (Tit 2:5) [hagnos]: pure from carnality, chaste, modest. g. “good” (Tit 2:5) [agathos]: upright, honourable.

  2. Feminists argue for equal leadership in the home.

  3. But the Bible teaches that wives are to submit to the leadership of their husbands as is fitting to God (Col 3:18), so that the Word of God will not be blasphemed (Tit 2:5).

  4. Before becoming a wife, a woman has to consider if she is willing to follow the lead of the man she marries (Pro 14:1).

C. As a mother.

  1. Mothers have responsibilities towards their children. a. “guide the house” (1Ti 5:14) [oikodespoteō]: to rule a household, manage family affairs. b. “love their children” (Tit 2:4) [philoteknos]: loving one’s offspring or children. c. “keepers at home” (Tit 2:5) [oikouros]: keeping at home and taking care of household affairs.

  2. Feminists argue for career-minded women.

  3. But the Bible teaches that mothers have a primary responsibility as homemakers (Tit 2:5), so that they will be above reproach (1Ti 5:14).

  4. Before becoming a mother, a woman has to consider if she is willing to sacrifice her wants for the needs of her child (Mat 16:26).

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