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Growing And Abounding Spiritually


A. Growth – The process of developing physically, mentally, or spiritually. Luke 2:52

B. Abounding – The process of increasing more and more. 1 Cor 15:58

C. Spiritual – The state of being concern with one’s relationship with God. 1 Cor 3:1


A. Spiritual Verses Carnal. 1 Cor 3:1

  1. Not all Christians grow spiritually...

  2. There is a constant struggle to live spiritually. Rom 7:15

  3. One can be a Christian for years but with little improvement in spirituality. Heb 5:12

  4. It is a fight we cannot escape. Matt 26:41

B. Carnality Is a Hindrance To Spiritual Growth. Gal 5:19-22

  1. It makes one unfruitful. Matt 13:22

  2. In the end, it causes one to lose his faith. 2 Tim 4:10

C. The Need to Grow and Abound Spiritually.

  1. Growing and abounding should be every Christian’s goal in life. 2 Pet 3:18

  2. God is not pleased when a Christian is not growing. Hebrews 5:12.

  3. The result of non-growth –

a. Remain like babes. Heb 5:12

b. Become stagnant like a pool of water.

D. How to Abound in Spiritual Growth

  1. Make An Effort.

a. Spiritual growth requires concentrated effort.

b. Jesus said it requires labour. Luke 13:24. “Strive” – to struggle; to endeavour with strenuous zeal.

c. Paul says it requires hard work, pressing on- “to pursue; to seek after eagerly, earnestly endeavour to acquire.”

d. The Christian who ceases to grow in his Christian life begins to regress. There must be a pursuing in order for there to be a progression.

e. Peter wrote that it requires diligence. 2Pe 1:5,10

f. Like physical health, spiritual growth requires regular exercise. 1Tim 4:7-8

  1. Abide In Christ.

a. John 15:4, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”

b. We can get encouragement from fellow Christians. But faith is only established in Christ.

c. We cannot create a fruit. Fruit is the result of a tree that has taken in nourishment and is alive and growing. We cannot bear fruit if we do not abide in Christ.

  1. Be Transformed.

a. 2 Pet 1:5-10 – Notice the following words:

Abound (vs 8) - to super abound; increase

Barren or unfruitful (vs 8) – unproductive.

Give Diligence – to make effort; to exert oneself.

b. When these qualities are increasing in a Christian’s life, there is the manifestation of the “divine nature” within the believer (2 Pet 1:4; Tit 2:11-12).

c. Sin is a hindrance to spirituality.

  1. Abound In Good Works.

a. Paul says the way to remain fruitful is to maintain good works. Titus 3:14

b. Benevolence is doing good works. Gal 6:10; Jas 1:27; Matt 25:31-46

c. Serving God is good works. 1 Cor 15:58

d. A fruitful tree is one which bears fruits. Only dead trees do not bear fruits.

e. Be active in order to stay spiritual.

  1. Meditate On The Word Daily.

a. A spiritual Christian is one who meditates on the word of God. Psa 1:2-3

b. The word of God can keep one away from sin. Psa 119:11

c. Christ used the word of God to defeat the devil. Matt 4:4

d. The Spirit’s sword is the Christian’s weapon. Eph 6:17

  1. Pray Without Ceasing

  2. Have Fellowship With The Saints.

a. You will have mutual encouragement. Heb 10:24

b. You will cease from sin. 1 Cor 15:33.

c. You will be spiritually uplifted. Acts 2:42

  1. Spiritual Growth or Spiritual Depression? “I’m spiritually down.” Do something about it. Seek help. Desire to grow.


A. Spiritual growth is a choice.

B. Spiritual growth occurs only when we choose to grow.

C. Take charge of your spiritual life by making an effort.

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