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If Jesus Loved, Where Is Our Love?

Alvin Lin

Text: Php 2:5-8

A. If Jesus loved His Father, where is our love?

  1. Jesus loved His Father in obeying His commandments (Joh 14:31), even to the point of death (Php 2:8).

  2. Likewise, we demonstrate our love for God by keeping His commandments (1Jo 5:3).

  3. In fact, we are to love God with all our emotion, will, intellect and being (Mar 12:30).

  4. How much do we love God? a. Do we love God enough to worship Him regularly in our public assemblies? b. Do we love God enough to communicate with Him through Bible study and prayer? c. Do we love God enough to serve Him through serving His church?

B. If Jesus loved His brethren, where is our love?

  1. Jesus loved His brethren to the end (Joh 13:1), even those who betrayed Him (Mat 26:50).

  2. Likewise, we demonstrate our love for our brethren by showing forgiveness (Col 3:13-14).

  3. In fact, we are to love our brethren to the extent of dying for them (1Jo 3:16).

  4. How much do we love our brethren? a. Do we love our brethren enough to greet them? b. Do we love our brethren enough to get to know them? c. Do we love our brethren enough to help with their needs?

C. If Jesus loved His lost sheep, where is our love?

  1. Jesus loved His lost sheep in teaching them (Mar 6:31-34), even emptying Himself of His glory and comfort (2Co 8:9).

  2. Likewise, we demonstrate our love for the lost by bringing the gospel to them (Rom 1:14-15).

  3. In fact, we are to love the lost in empathizing with them (Jer 9:1).

  4. How much do we love the lost? a. Do we love the lost enough to invite our friends and relatives to church? b. Do we love the lost enough to make our visitors feel welcome in the church? c. Do we love the lost enough to train ourselves to be teachers?

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