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No Life Outside The Body


A. We are on the series “Our Life Together.”

B. “Our Life Together” is a life called to have fellowship together.

C. The church is a Family of God; a Household of God. Eph 2:19

D. Each and everyone is a member of God’s Household. Rom 12:5


A. The Scripture refers to the household of God as the body of Christ.

  1. The church is referred to as the Household of Faith. Gal 6:10

  2. It is also called the Household of God. Eph 2:19

  3. Paul says the church is many members but ONE BODY in Christ. Rom 12:4-5

  4. He says the members are the body of Christ. 1Cor 12:27

B. False views of the body.

  1. The church is the building.

  2. The church is a social place to meet people.

  3. The church is a theatre or entertainment centre.

  4. There are more than one body.

  5. One can join any church of his choice.

C. The Scriptural view of the body.

  1. There is only ONE body. Eph 4:4

  2. The body is the church. Eph 1:22-23

  3. The body is the congregation of saved people. 1 Cor 12:13

  4. The Lord added the saved into the body, the church. Acts 2:47

  5. Choose the church of Jesus’ choice; the ONE that He built; His body. Matt 16:18

D. Many Members, One Body.

  1. Paul uses the analogy of the human body to describe the spiritual body. 1 Cor 12:13-27

  2. Paul says we are “members one of another.” Rom 12:5. It means: a. We are closely connected to each other. b. We are mutually dependent of each other. c. We complement each other. d. We need each other for survival. e. Therefore, it follows that there is no life outside the body.

E. Relationship of the saved in the body.

  1. We are to LOVE one another - 1 John 4:11

  2. We are to have FELLOWSHIP with one another – 1 John 1:7

  3. We are to be HOSPITABLE towards one another - 1 Pet 4:9

  4. We are to GREET one another with love – 1 Pet 5:14

  5. We are to CARE for one another - 1 Cor 12:26

  6. We are to PRAY for one another - Jas 5:16

  7. We are to RESTORE one another - Jas 5:19-20

  8. We are to CONSIDER one another – Heb 10:24

  9. We are to EXHORT one another – Heb 10:25

  10. We are to SERVE one another in love - Gal 5:13

  11. Are you in a “relationship” with the church members?

F. No life outside the body.

  1. The above means we must be TOGETHER IN the body – That is to be in a Relationship.

  2. Can the hand survive outside the body? How about the leg?

  3. WHY? Because life is in the body. John 15:4, 6

  4. Every part of the body must be perfectly jointed to the body to be alive. Eph 2:21

  5. Can a Christian receive life outside the body?

G. Salvation is in the body.

  1. Christ is the SAVIOUR of the Body. Eph 5:23

  2. Christ SANCTIFIED and CLEANSED the Body by the Word. Eph 5:26

  3. Christ NOURISHED and CHERISH the Body. Eph 5:29

  4. What do the above verses suggest? a. There is no salvation (eternal life) outside the body. Eph 5:23 b. There is no Spiritual Nourishment outside the body. Eph 5:29

H. Life and nourishment are found only in Christ.

  1. Eternal LIFE is found only in Christ. John 1:4; 3:16; 14:6

  2. Christ is the VINE that provides the nourishment for the whole body. John 15:1, 4

  3. Christ is the FOUNTAIN of living water. John 4:10; 7:38; Rev 21:6

  4. Christ is the LIVING BREAD for our daily spiritual food. John 6:35

  5. Christ is the Eternal WORD that gives life. Psalm 119:50

I. The importance of every member in the body.

  1. No one can say he is not important - 1 Co 12:14-19 a. “I won’t be missed.” 1 Sam 20:18 b. “I’m not needed.” 1 Cor 12:22 c. “I can worship at home.” Heb 10:25 d. “I don’t need fellowship.” 1 Cor 12:14-16

  2. No one can say someone is not important - 1 Co 12:20-25; Rom 14:13 a. Each has his own talents. Rom 12:4

J. The Scripture stresses the importance to be together to receive life.

  1. Acts 2:44 “And all that believed were together,”

  2. Acts 20:7 “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread,”

  3. 1 Cor 1:10 “ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”

  4. Phil 1:27 “with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.”

  5. Col 2:2 “being knit together in love,”

  6. Heb 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.”

  7. WHY? Because fellowship with the saints means fellowship with God. 1 John 1:3


A. Christ is also the Saviour of the body. Eph 5:23

B. If Christ is the Saviour of the Body, then, there is no eternal life outside the body.

C. Members need to be TOGETHER in the body – the hand cannot survive outside the body.

D. How does one get into the body of Christ? Gal 3:27

E. Are you in the Body of Christ?

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